U nedelju 13. maja 2007. godine u Beogradu je drzan prvi BEOGRAD OPEN turnir u Sportskoj Chanbari, u organizaciji Chanbara Drustva Beograda i Sportske Chanbara Asocijacije Srbije. U saradnji sa Sportskom Jujutsu Asocijacijom Srbije, koja funkcionise u okviru Budo Saveta Srbije, odrzan je u istoj sali i BEOGRAD OPEN u Jujutsu katama. Domacin takmicenja bio je gospodin Stanislav Gacic. Takmicenju su prisustvovali klubovi iz Beograda, Vrsca, Petrovca na Mlavi, Smedereva, Sapca i Pozarevca, sa oko 70 takmicara.  Na takmicenju u Jujutsu katama najuspesniji su bili parovi iz Sapca (Panter klub), a za njima parovi iz Pozarevca (Shinbukan). Medalje su osvojili i parovi iz Petrovca i Vrsca (Goshinkan). U okviru Chanbara turnira najuspesniji su bili takmicari iz Pozarevca, a za njima takmicari iz Smedereva (Musashi). Posle ovog takmicenja, odrzana je i skupstina Budo Saveta Srbije, na kojoj je za predsednika izabran dr Ivica Zdravkovic. Odluceno je da BSS sve svoje organizacione sportske aktivnosti prepusti Jujutu Asocijaciji i Chanbara Asocijaciji/Savezu. Dosadasnji predsednik BSS-a, gospodin Milan Vujasin, imenovan je za predsednika Sportske Jujutsu Asocijacije Srbije. Takodje, odrzana je i osnivacka skupstina Sportskog Chanbara Saveza Srbije, koji ce nastaviti aktivnosti Sportske Chanbara Asocijacije. Za predsednika ovog saveza izabran je gospodin Igor Kesic. Tokom ove sednice usaglasen je i kalendar aktivnosti dve sportske organizacije (Jujutsu Asocijacije i Chanbara Asocijacije/Saveza).

On Sunday May 13th 2007 Belgrade was the host of its first BELGRADE OPEN tournament in Sports Chanbara. This event was organized by Belgrade Chanbara Society and Sports Chanbara Association of Serbia. On the same day BELGRADE OPEN Jujutsu Kata tournament was held, organized in cooperation with Sport Jujutsu Association of Serbia. The host of the competition was Mr. Stanislav Gacic.There were six clubs on the tournament, from Belgrade, Vrsac, Petrovac, Pozarevac, Smederevo and Sabac. Total number of competitors was near 70. The most successful in Jujutsu Kata were pairs from Sabac (Panter club), followed by pairs from Pozarevac (Shinbukan). Medals also went to pairs from Petrovac and Vrsac (Goshinkan). Within the Chanbara tournament the most successful were competitors from Pozarevac, followed by competitors from Smederevo (Musashi). After the competition General Assembly of Serbian Budo Council was held. Dr. Ivica Zdravkovic is elected new president. It is decided that Serbian Budo Council will transfer all of its organizational sport activities to Jujutsu Association and Chanbara Association. Former SBC president, Mr. Milan Vujasin, is elected president of Sports Jujutsu Association of Serbia. Also, the founding Assembly of new Serbian Sports Chanbara Federation was held, with aim to create a federation which will continue current activities of Sports Chanbara Association of Serbia. This new federation's president is Mr. Igor Kesic. Calendar of activities of Jujutsu Association and Chanbara Association/Federation is balanced and adopted.


Lineup with all contestants


Jujutsu Kata competition


Juniors in action


Kihon Dosa - Chanbara competition


Choken fight


Youngest ones enjoying Kodachi competition


Medals ceremony


Shinbukan students with sensei