Drugi Evropski Sport Chanbara


27. mart 2005, Moskva

Na upravo završenom drugom po redu Evropskom chanbara šampionatu u Moskvi, ucestvovao je i tim naše Nacionalne Sportske Chanbara Asocijacije, koga su cinili Ivica Zdravkovc, Slobodan Saric i Srdjan Ilic. Na šampionatu su ucestvovale ekipe iz Rusije, Ukrajine, Italije, Estonije, Latvije, Srbije, Francuske i Gruzije. Dolazak su najavile ekipe iz jos par evropskih zemalja, ali su u poslednjem casu odkazale ucesce.

U 9 disciplina nastupalo je oko 120 takmicara, od toga oko 50 muških seniora. U svakoj disciplini bilo je izmedju 16 i 48 takmicara, radilo se po nokaut sistemu, bez repasaza, i to samo do prvog postignutog poena, pa je bilo izuzetno teško probiti se do završnice.

Slobodan Saric se sa po dve pobede plasirao medju 8 najboljih u Evropi u disciplinama Choken Free (dugacki mac slobodnim stilom) i Kodachi (kratki mac). Srdjan Ilic je takodje ušao medju 8 najboljih u Evropi u disciplinama Yari (koplje) i Tate Kodachi (štit i kratki mac). Oba takmicara su eliminisana u cetrvtfinalnim borbama od aktuelnih evropskih šampiona, cime je njihov uspeh još veci.

Iako prvi put na jednom medjunarodnom takmicenju, Nacionalni Chanbara Tim osvojio je i jedno evropsko odlicje, jer se Ivica Zdravkovic u disciplini Choken Iai (borba brzim potezanjem dugog maca) probio do polufinala, i zauzeo trece mesto.

Takmicenje su nadzirale sudije iz Japana, predvodjeni Tetsundo Tanabeom, osnivacem i predsednikom International Sports Chanbara Association (ISCA) i Hosogawa senseijem, bivšim svetskim prvakom. Najuspešniji u seniorskoj konkurenciji bili su Francuzi i Italijani, potom Rusi i Ukrajinci. Grandsampion - pobednik u ukupnom plasmanu prema pravilima ISCA, bio je D. Benjamin iz Francuske.

Domacin i organizator takmicenja, Yanis Pedinkov, organizovao je i svecani banket za sve takmicare i sudije, na kome su predstavnicima nacionalnih asocijacija urucene ISCA zastave od Tanabe senseija, specijalna "Chanbara Vodka" i gde je potpisan oficijelni osnivacki dokument Evropske Sportske Chanbara Unije (ESCU).

Sledece prvrenstvo Evrope odrzace se u Italiji, u maju 2006. godine, a evropsko prventsvo 2007. godine bice u Francuskoj. Na ovim takmicenjima ocekuje se ucesce iz mnogo vise evropskih zemalja, ukljucujuci Nemacku, Englesku, Cesku, Slovacku, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Makedoniju, itd.

Svi ucesnici sampionata u Moskvi pozvani su na svetsko prvenstvo u Japanu, koje se odrzava svakog novembra u Yokohami.

2nd European Sport Chanbara


March 27th 2005, Moscow


National Chanbara team from Serbia participated on second European Chanbara Championship which was held in Moscow. Team members were Ivica Zdravkovic, Slobodan Saric and Srdjan Ilic. There were also teams from Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Estonia, Latvia, France and Georgia. More national representatives were announced, but the canceled their arrival in last moment.

In 9 disciplines there were 120 competitors, with 50 senior male competitors. Each discipline had a concurrence of 16-48 competitors. Knockout system was applied, with victory after first point, so it was very hard to reach the final stages of competition.

Slobodan Saric with two victories in each discipline placed among 8 best in Europe in Choken Free (free style fight with a long sword) and in Kodachi (short sword). Srdjan Ilic also placed among  8 best in Europe in disciplines of Yari (spear) and Tate Kodachi (shield and short sword). Both competitors were eliminated in quarter-finals by actual European champions, which makes their success even bigger.

Although for the first time on an international championship, National Chanbara Team even won one European title, after Ivica Zdravkovic has reached semi-finals in discipline of Choken Iai (fight with fast draw and cut) and placed third.

Competition was supervised by judges from Japan, headed with Tetsundo Tanabe sensei, founder and president of International Sports Chanbara Association (ISCA) and Hosogawa sensei, former World Champion. The most successful in senior concurrence were French and Italians, followed by Russians and Ukraine. Grandchampion - one who won all the winners in all the disciplines - was D. Benjamin from France.

Host and the organizer of the competition, Yanis Poedinkov sensei, organized a banquet for all competitors and referees, where all representatives of national associations received ISCA flags from Tanabe sensei, and were also presented with special "Chanbara Vodka" from Yanis sensei. Also, official founding document of ESCU (European Sports Chanbara Union) was signed.

Next European championship will be held in Italy, May 2006, and the European championship 2007 will be in France. More countries are expected in the future, especially from Germany, England, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Macedonia.

All participants of the championship in Moscow are invited to World Championship in Japan, held every November in Yokohama.

Saturday: Chanbara Seminar under Yanis Poedinkov sensei (first on the left). Guys in white: French team members from Kobukan Kendojo. With red scarf is Benjamin sensei, current European Grand champion. Ivica sensei in black gi, and far back, a very friendly sensei from Ukraine.


Presentation of all nations - Dr. Ivica Zdravkovic as a team leader of Serbian National team. In the middle: Yanis sensei, Tanabe sensei and in traditional outfit, Hosogawa sensei.

Coaches from Serbia, France and Italy: Ivica sensei, Jean-Marc sensei and Giuseppe sensei, in front of entrance to Moscow subway.


Italian coach presenting gifs and official invitation for 3rd European Championship in Italy, 2006.

Ivica Zdravkovic winning in first fight of Choken Iai


Srdjan Ilic sensei performing excellent tsuki in Yari division.

Slobodan Saric sensei made total of 4 victories in Choken Free and Kodachi. Hosogawa sensei as a judge in front.


Ivica sensei making aiuchi in semifinals against very good Russian opponent.  Whole competition was conducted in a most friendly and fair-play atmosphere.

Ivica Zdravkovic presenting Serbian MA magazine "TATAMI" to Tetsundo Tanabe. Tanabe sensei expressed great interest in this fine magazine, especially when he saw Chanbara article written by Srdjan Ilic sensei, president of Serbian Budo Council.


Young Benjamin sensei receiving large trophy from the hands of Tetsundo Tanabe sensei. This excellent French kendo and chanbara practitioner is the first official Grand Champion of Europe. Congratulations!

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