Croatia 2006


In December 2005 Dr. Zdravkovic Ivica has visited Croatia, to meet with hosts of the upcoming European Budo Games. His kind hosts were Mr. Hrvoje Znaor, Coach of Croatian team, Marijo Patrlj, director of Croatian team, and members of Ju-Jutsu club URAGAN from Split. Also. Dr. Zdravkovic was hosted by the officials of IMOTSKI town, where the Games will be held. In two days there was time to talk the details about accepting all the announced guests and competitors. Split and Imotski will be more than attractive for sportsmen and budoka from around Europe. Sports hall in Imotski is brand new and will be a great place for competitions. After visiting Imotski Dr. Zdravkovic gave a small Jujutsu seminar to members of Mr. Znaor's Ju-jutsu club URAGAN.



Visit to Imotski: Inspection of Sports Hall.

Marijo Patrlj, director of Croatia Jujutsu Team, presenting diploma to Mr. Mate Kutlesa, member of local government.




Zdravkovic and Znaor sensei with members of URAGAN club from Split.

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