KIAI Seminar in Serbia, 2006  
Poslednjeg vikenda juna 2006. godine u organizaciji Budo Saveta Srbije (BSS) odrzan je trodnevni seminar vestina aiki-jutsu i kenjutsu, koji su vodili ugledni gosti iz Amerike, gospodin Phil Scudieri i gospodja Celinda Ellsworth. Seminar je poceo docekom gostiju na aerodromu u Beogradu i obilaskom glavnog grada Srbije, setnjom po Kalemegdanu, Knez Mihajlovoj, Skadarliji...  

U petak 23. juna u Sportskom Centru Pozarevac potpredsednik Kenjutsu Inrnacionalne Asocijacije Instruktora (KIAI), Phil Scudieri, vodio je seminar za lokalni Budo klub Pozarevac (poznat i kao SHINBUKAN), kao i za clanove BSS klubova iz Vrsca (GOSHINKAN), Smedereva (MUSASHI) i Petrovca na Mlavi. Aiki Jutsu koji su demonstrirali Phil sensei i Celinda sensei bio je veoma formalan i nov za mnoge mlade vezbace iz BSS klubova, koji su uglavnom navikli na gendai jujutsu. Kenjutsu lekcije su ukljucile kako osnove (kihon), tako i pojedine naprednije principe, poreklom iz stilova Ito Ryu i Tenshin Ryu. Phil sensei je posebno nagalasio nekoliko bitnih odrednica japanskog macevanja i aiki vestine, kao sto su posedovanje zanshina, upotreba istih principa kretanja, prenosivost i primenjivost istih strategija, definiciju macevaoca kao "heihojina" - onoga koji se zapravo bavi ne samo jednom oruzanom disciplinom, nego celokupnom vojnom strategijom. U nekoliko navrata cula se i poznata recenica da macevalac nije "karatista koji mase stapom" i podvucena je vaznost razlikovanja principa razlicitih vestina, iako se one cesto vezbaju u istom dojo-u, kao sto je slucaj i sa Delaware Budokan skolom koju drzi Phil Scudier sensei, gde se poducavaju i Karate i Aiki-Jutsu i Kenjutsu. 

Svi ucesnici seminara bili su jako zadovojni prijatnim nastupom predavaca iz SAD, uz istovremenu impresioniranost veoma visokim tehnickim kvalitetom Phila i Celinde. Na kraju prvog dana ucesnici seminara izveli su i mali demo program za goste iz Amerike. Dr. Ivica Zdravkovic, predsednik Sportske Chanbara Asocijacije Srbije (4. Dan ISCA), iskoristio je priliku da za ostvarene sportske rezultate, lidersku ulogu u organizaciji i vodjenju klubova, kao i za pokazan tehnicki napredak promovise sledece BSS instruktore: Adijanu Barsi iz Vrsca (GOSHINKAN) u 1. Dan Chanbara, Igora Kesica iz Smedereva (MUSASHI) u 1. Dan Chanbara, i Srdjana Spasica iz Pozarevca (SHINBUKAN) u 2. Dan Chanbara. U ime KIAI organizacije, uz saglasnost predsednika KIAI-a, gospodina Nick Sleep-a iz Engleske, gospodinu Philu Scudijeriju za njegov 35-godisnji instruktorski rad, vrhunski tehnicki i teorijski nivo i u znak zahvalnosti za promovisanje japanskog macevanja na internacionalnom nivou dodeljena je titula HANSHI.  

U subotu 24. juna Phil i Celinda su odrzali slican seminar za vezbace kluba borilackih vestina iz Petrovca na Mlavi, koji vodi Srdjan Ilic. U Petrovcu je ugledne goste primio i predsednik opstine, a kao i u Pozarevcu, seminar su propratili svi lokalni mediji. U kasnim vecernjim satima gosti iz Amerike posetili su i chanbara trening u Pozarevcu, gde su im prezentirane Kihon Dosa, Happo Giri Kata i Chanbara i Sport Kenjutsu borbe (Ji Geiko), izvedene od strane najlmadjih clanova pozarevacke skole. 

U nedelju je odrzan seminar za vezbace iz kluba PANTER u Sapcu, gde je domacin gostima iz Amerike bio predsenik BSS-a, gospodin Milan Vujasin. I ovom seminaru, kao i prethodnima, prisustvovalo je preko 40 ucenika, ukljucujuci i instruktore i vezbace iz Vrsca, Pozarevca i Petrovca. 

Po zavrsetki seminara, Phil Scudieri i Celinda Ellsworth izrazili su zahvalnost za gostoprimstvo clanovima BSS-a i svima u Srbiji koji su ih toplo docekali. Sledeci susret sa kenjutsu i chanbara instruktorima iz Srbije najavljen je za 2007. godinu, kada je planiran veliki KIAI sastanak u Engleskoj. 

BSS zahvaljuje Philu i Celindi za prijateljstvo, dobro raspolozenje koje su sirili oko sebe, volju da poduce sve koji su prisustvovali seminarima i strpljenje sa svima koji su se prvi put sreli sa vestinama aiki-jutsu i kenjutsu. Posebnu zahvalnost duguju clanovi SHIBUKAN skole, koji su svoj Shinbukan kenjutsu obogatili novim znanjima, ukljucujuci pojedine ceremonijalne principe (reiho), tradicionalne vezbe (undo) i veoma lepu Taikyoku no ken katu, koja je od sada i oficijelni deo Shinbukan kenjutsu programa. 

On the last weekend of June 2006 the Serbian Budo Council (SBC) hosted a 3-days seminar in Aiki-Jutsu and Kenjutsu. This seminar was ran by distinguished guests from America, Phil Scudieri sensei and Celinda Ellsworth sensei. Guests were first taken around Belgrade, the capitol of Serbia, for sightseeing of Kalemegdan fortress, Knez Mihajlova street, Scadarlija, and other landmarks of this beautiful city.  
On Friday 23rd of June in the large Hall of Sport Center Pozarevac, the Vice-President of Kenjutsu International Association of Instructors (KIAI), Mr. Phil Scudieri, has opened a seminar for local Budo club, also known as SHINBUKAN, as well for guest-clubs, members of SBC, from Vrsac (GOSHINKAN), from Smederevo (MUSASHI) and from Petrovac. Aiki-Jutsu and Kenjutsu demonstrated by Phil sensei and Celinda sensei were very formal, and in many aspects new to lots of young practitioners from SBC, who are mostly used to principles of Gendai jujutsu. Kenjutsu lessons have included both basics (kihon) and advanced principles, drawn from Ito Ryu and Tenshin Ryu. Phil sensei strongly emphasized few major determinants of Japanese swordsmanship and aiki-jutsu, such as zanshin, use of same ashi-waza and same body motions, applicability of same strategies, the definition of a swordsman as a "heihojin" - the one who studies not only a single weapon art, but entire art of military affairs. On more than few occasions a well known sentence was said: Swordsman is not a karate guy wit a stick. The significance of distinguishing various principle of different arts was specially underlined. This is important because in many clubs and dojo these arts are practiced under the same roof, same as in Delaware Budokan, owed and run by Phil and Celinda sensei, where they teach Karate, Aiki-Jutsu and Kenjutsu.   

All participants were very satisfied with a pleasant friendly approach of teachers from USA, and were also impressed with their exceptional high technical qualities. At the end of the day 1 some of the participants have demonstrated their arts in front of KIAI leaders. Dr. Ivica Zdravkovic, president of Serbian Sports Chanbara Association (4th Dan ISCA), also used the opportunity to promote certain SBC members for their sport result, leadership and technical advancement. These newly promoted instructors are: Adrijana Barsi from Vrsac (GOSHINKAN), promoted to 1st Dan Chanbara, Igor Kesic from Smederevo (MUSASHI), promoted to 1st Dan Chanbara, and Srdjan Spasic from Pozarevac (SHINBUKAN), promoted to 2nd Dan Chanbara. Finally, on behalf of KIAI, and with agreement of KIAI president Nick Sleep from England, Phil Scudieri sensei was awarded with a HANSHI certificate, for his 35 years long instructional work, supreme level of technical skills and academic knowledge and his outstanding contribution in promotion of Japanese sword arts on an international level.  

On Saturday 24th of June Phil and Celinda held another similar seminar for members of martial arts club in Petrovac, hosted by Srdjan Ilic sensei. Guests from USA have been also received by the mayor of town, and they were interviewed by local media, same as in Pozarevac. In the evening Phil and Celinda were also present at the regular chanbara class in Pozarevac, where the youngest students have performed Kihon Dosa, Happo Giri kata, Chanbara and Sport Kenjutsu fights (Ji geiko).  

On Sunday the guest were taken to Sabac town, to run one more seminar for members of PANTHER club, headed by Milan Vujasin sensei, president of SBC. This seminar - same as previous ones - was attended by over 40 practitioners, including instructors and students from Vrsac, Petrovac and Pozarevac.  

At the end of the seminar Phil Scudieri sensei and Celinda Ellsworth sensei have expressed their gratitude for hospitality and a warm welcome to all in SBC. The next meeting with kenjutsu and chanbara instructors from Serbia is announced for 2007, when a large KIAI meeting should take place in England.  

SBC members give their deepest gratitude to Phil sensei and Celinda sensei for their friendship, good atmosphere they have created, their wiling to teach all the attending people and their patience with those who met with traditional Aiki-jutsu and Kenjutsu for the first time. Special gratitude comes from members of SHINBUKAN school, who have enriched their Shinbukan kenjutsu with new knowledge, including certain ceremonial principles (reiho), traditional drills (undo) and a very beautiful Taikyoku no ken kata, which is as of now official part of Shinbukan kenjutsu curriculum. 

Seminar in Pozarevac
Phil and Celinda teaching kenjutsu
Aiki Jutsu class
Serbian budoka as Uke to Phil sensei
Dr. Zdravkovic and Phil Scudieri sensei - KIAI members
Celinda sensei teaching Aiki-Jutsu to youngest Serbian practitioners
Seminar in Sabac, Sunday 25th June 2006
Participants of aiki Jutsu seminar in Sabac
Celinda sensei teaching kenjutsu in Sabac
Kenjutsu class. In seiza (L-R):
Srdjan Ilic, Ivica Zdravkovic, Milan Vujasin, Phil Scudieri, Celinda Ellsworth, Adrijana Barsi