Visit to USA

Dr. Ivica Zdravkovic, predsednik Budo Saveta Srbije,  boravio je u SAD pocetkom novembra 2007 kao gost predsednika KIAI organizacije, Fila Skudijerija i kao gost United States Ju-Jitsu Federacije i njenog predsednika Brusa Betersa.

Tokom prva tri dana boravka u gostima kod gospodina Ralfa Rasela, dzudo senseija i veterana borilackih vestina i sportova, Dr. Zdravkovic je imao priliku da obidje najvaznije spomenike i muzeje u Vasingtonu, kao i da razmeni informacije sa majstorom Filom Skudijerijem, predsednikom Kendjucu Internacionalne Asocijacije Instruktora. Ova organizacija, osnovana od strane Dr Zdravkovica,  postoji vec osam godina i okuplja instruktore sa tri kontinenta, ukljucujuci Ameriku, Evropu i Australiju. Do sada su organizovana 4 medjunarodna KIAI seminara sa ucescem instruktora iz Srbije, Velike Britanije, SAD, Ceske i Italije. Gospodin Skudijeri, koji je prosle godine boravio u Srbiji na seminaru organizovanom od strane Budo Saveta Srbije, ponovo se zahvalio svim prijateljima u Srbiji i najavio nove posete. Gospoda Skudijeri i Ralf Rasel poklonili su Dr Zdravkovicu ovom prilikom i originalnu katanu napravljenu u Japanu pre Meidji reformacije.

Na poziv generalnog sekeretara MAIF (Martial Arts International Federation) i predsednika United States Ju-Jitsu Federacije, gospodina Brusa Betersa, Dr. Zdravkovic je ucestvao kao sudija na nacionalnom jujutsu prventvu SAD odrzanom na Nijagarinim vodopadima 3. novembra. Tokom ove posete Dr Zdravkovic je gospodinu Betersu urucio i specijalnu diplomu ispred Evropskog Budo Saveta sa zvanjem Hanshi.  

Predstavljajuci na najbolji nacin Budo Savet Srbije, zajedno sa Sporskom Jujutsu Asocijacjom Srbije i Sportskom Chanbara Ascijacijom Srbije, Dr Zdravkovic je nagradjen posebnom zlatnom medaljom USA Jujutsu Federacije kao i "Pentagon memorial" plaketom Ministartsva odbrane SAD. U prijateljskim razgovorima sa legendom WKF organizacije (prethodno jednim od osnivaca WUKO) i osnivacem Ju-Jitsu Internacionalne Federacije, gospodinom Dzordzom Andersenom, sadasnjim predsednikom MAIF i USA Karate Federacije, kao i najstarijim instruktorom USA Jujutsu Federacije, Dr Zdravkovic je primio pohvale za aktivnosti Budo Saveta Srbije i Evropskog Budo Saveta. Budo Savet Srbije dobio je preliminarni poziv za USA Open jujutsu turnir 2009. godine, a Evropski Budo Savet priznat je kao evropski strateski najbitniji partner MAIF organizacije.

Ovom posetom zaokruzeno je direktno uspostavljanje i ucvrscivanje trajnih veza Budo Saveta Srbije sa medjunarodnim organizacijama u kojima BSS ima clanstvo, akreditive i u kojima ostvaruje svoje medjunarodne aktivnosti. Te organizacije su: MAIF (Martial Arts International Federation), EBC (European Budo Council), ISCA (International Sport Chanbara Asociation) i KIAI (Kenjutsu International Association of Instructors).

Pozdrav svim prijateljima u Americi, u ime Budo Saveta Srbije i Evropskog Budo Saveta.

Dr. Ivica Zdravkovic, president of Serbian Budo Council, visited USA in November 2007 as a guest of KIAI president, Mr. Phil Scudieri, and also as a guest of United States Ju-Jitsu Federation and its president Mr. Bruce R. Bethers.

During the first three days in USA, being hosted by Mr. Ralph Ruschel, a judo sensei and veteran of martial arts, Dr. Zdravkovic visited some of the most outstanding Washington D.C. monuments and museums. Also, there was plenty of time to exchange information with Phil Scudieri sensei, president and Hanshi of Kenjutsu International Association of Instructors. This organization was founded by Dr. Zdravkovic back in 1999, and currently gathers instructors from three continents, America, Europe and Australia. So far there were 4 international seminars of KIAI with participants from USA, UK, Czech Republic, Serbia and Italy.  Hanshi Scudieri, who was a guest of Serbian Budo Council last year, once more greeted all friends in Serbia and announced new visits in the future. The two gentlemen, Scudieri sensei and Ralph sensei, presented Dr. Zdravkovic with an outstanding gift - an original samurai sword, katana made before Meiji restoration.

Upon invitation of president of MAIF and USJJF, Mr. Bruce R. Bethers, Dr. Zdravkovic attended as a referee the United States national jujutsu Championship, held on Niagara Falls on November 3rd 2007.  Bethers sensei is presented with special certificate and title of Hanshi by the European Budo Council on this occasion.

Representing in the best possible way the Serbian Budo Council with its sub-organizations, Serbian Sport Jujutsu Association and Serbian Sport Chanbara Association, Dr. Zdravkovic is awarded gold medal of US Jujutsu Federation and US Department of Defense "Pentagon Memorial" medal. He also had a pleasure of having hours of friendly conversation with legend of WKF organization (and one of WUKO founders), one of founders of Ju-Jitsu International Federation, and current president of MAIF and USA Karate Federation, Mr. George E. Anderson, also the most senior instructor of USA Jujutsu Federation. Hanshi Anderson expressed great respect for activities of Serbian Budo Council and European Budo Council. Serbian Budo Council received a preliminary invitation for 2009 USA Jujutsu Open championship, and European Budo Council is recognized as MAIF's most outstanding affiliate in Europe.

With this visit Serbian Budo Council has completed establishment of direct contacts and permanent cooperation with most respected and active organizations in which Serbian budoka have international activities and ranking credentials. These organizations are: MAIF (Martial Arts International Federation), EBC (European Budo Council), ISCA (International Sports Chanbara Association) and KIAI (Kenjutsu International Association of Instructors).

Greetings to all friends in USA from Serbian Budo Council and European Budo Council.


Ralph Ruschel sensei, hanshi Bruce R. Bethers, hanshi Phil Scudieri (KIAI president), shihan Ivica Zdravkovic


MAIF President and USJJF & JJIF Commissioner George Anderson, USJJF president and MAIF General secretary Bruce R. Bethers,

USJJF BOD member Thurl R. "TR" McClanahan, SBC President and MAIF member Ivica Zdravkovic


Dr Ivan with Hanshi George Anderson on Niagara Falls


Dr Ivan (aka "Dr. Z") with shihan Michael Piaser,

Chairman of the USJJF Referees Committee and former President of the United Status Ju-Jitsu Federation


Hanshi George Anderson and Shihan Ivica "Dr Ivan" Zdravkovic, USA 2007


Dr Zdravkovic as a Mat referee on US Ju-Jitsu National Championship, Niagara Falls, November 2007